Project 1

Beginning Throwing Basic Cylinders
Project #1

Problem: Learn how to create a basic cylinder of even wall thickness using the throwing method on a potter’s wheel.

Objective: Learn the basic techniques of centering, pulling up, and thinning walls in the act of throwing. Become familiar with the technical aspects of design height, weight, thickness, balance, and finished rim and foot.
associated with the creation of a cylinder.

Strategy:        Begin by familiarizing yourself with the basic throwing technique by reading the throwing on the   wheel worksheet:   

Part 1- (Technical half cylinder)
Throw as many cylinders as it takes to get 5 pieces that are accurate to the dimensions of  5” in height, 4” in diameter, and 1/4” thick in the walls and bottom.  Practice making a smooth, even thickness lip on each piece.  Cut all of the cylinders in half vertically and examine the thickness of the bottom, wall, and lip.

The harder you work on these cylinders, the easier the next wheel assignment will be…….
               TALLER CYLINDERS…….
Save the best 10 cylinder sides for a discussion/critique with your instructor.  Cut a ½” hole 1” down from the top of each  piece for possible mounting later as these pieces will be bisque and used later for glaze tests.
Part 2-(10 functional tumblers)
Read the trimming worksheet and watch the trimming demonstration given during class by your instructor.

Make 10 cylinders of the same dimension given in part one (5”x4”x1/4” thick)

Do NOT change the shapes: Leave as Cylinders
            - 5 Tumblers with a clean surface
                                    - Attention should be paid to wall thickness, rim and foot. Proportion of height to
                                      Weight should be considered. 

                                    -5 Tumblers with carved Surface Design
                                    - Clay responds to a wide range of mark making, pressing into, carving away,
                                    adding onto, etc. The student may access and experiment with surface design.
                                    Emphasize: texture, surface, and pattern design.

-The more pieces you make, the better results you will have
-This assignment will require time outside of class as described in the syllabus
-Have a copy of the basic throwing worksheet with you while working
-You dictate the piece to be claimed as “My First Piece”.  You can throw 100 cylinders, throw them all away and keep #101 to be called “My First Piece” for the rest of your life.